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ShadyPaws, Inc.

ShadyPaws, Inc.

Product News 2018-03-16 ShadyPaws, Inc.

ShadyPaws, Inc.
Welcome to ShadyPaws PetTravel Canopies! ?????????????????????????????????????????????/span>

ShadyPaws Pet TravelCanopies offer instant shaderelief when spending time with pets outdoors in social settings or venues!

These light weight, flatfolding�pet canopies can be taken into outdoor restaurants, parks, beaches,vessels or any outdoor environment.

The most essential ingredientto keeping your pet(s) from overheating is shade. Most animals hide under tables& chairs when outdoors to keep from exposing themselves�to thesun.?ShadyPaws Canopies offer a cool piece of mind for all animalswith our unique, light canvas canopy offering a cool breezeway whenplacing�them next to you in outdoor restaurants, backyards, trips to thebeach or any vacation.

These revolutionary petcanopies designed by Patricia Darquea create a calm feeling under theirfamiliar setting when placing a ShadyPaws Canopy�on chairs, reclinersor on the ground diminishing their stress & keeping them from gettingstepped on.

Just "fold &go" with ShadyPaws Canopies for�the perfect hiking, biking orboating trip. Simply adjust your patented swivel canopy shade according to yourdesired length of�shade for small or large pet(s) & they will becomfortably sheltered according to the sun's rotation.?o:p>

Every pet recognizestheir own scent, so relaxing under ShadyPaws Canopies�willdefinitely offer a sense of security, especially when�the animals smelltheir�pet treats, food, water bowls, leashes & doggie bags securelyheld in the multiple Velcro pockets provided.

Every ShadyPawsCanopy is created with SPU 50++ UV protection & comes in either JockeyRed or Captain Navy signature paw prints. (4) material components can besnapped on/off for gentle hand cleaning with gentle soap & colors can bechanged�if desired.�Every ShadyPaws Pet Travel Canopy Sunshadeoffers a hardy backpack, furniture belt? sand spikes to complement�theirversatility.

Airline, Cruise Ship& Vessel Carry-On's?�Weight 7.56 lbs. / Shades (3) Small dogs or(2) large dogs

"There is nothingmore gratifying than keeping your animals comfortable, calm & protectedwhen placing your best friends under ShadyPaws!" Patricia Darquea,Founder & Creator ????o:p>


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