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Canned cat and dog wet food

Canned cat and dog wet food

Buyer News 2022-08-03 Kika Group

Canned cat and dog wet food
Ingredients: meat and meat products (55% beef, 15% duck hearts), minerals 1% (of which 0.1% clinoptilolite of sedimentary origin (1g568)), oils and fats (0.1% linseed oil).   Accessories/1 kg  Nutritional supplement i: vit. D 3 (3a671) - 200 IU, calcium iodate, anhydrous (3b202) - 0.75 mg, manganese sulfate monohydrate (3b503) - 1.4 mg, zinc sulfate monohydrate (3b605) - 25 mg.   Analytical components: moisture - 77%, crude protein - 10.60%, crude fat - 6.60%, crude ash - 2.30%, crude fiber - 0.40%.


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