You and your dog are out for a happy pleasant walk in the park. Then pow! The poor pup steps on a sharp, sticky foxtail spike. The pup wants to keep walking, but you can see that each step is painful and putting pressure on that paw is excruciating. Because you can barely see it visually, it is obviously embedded. Normally these would be the very worst kind, and a visit to the Vet. Would most certainly be your course of action. Get ready to attempt to move the hurting pup and get ready for a large Veterinarian bill to remove it. But even if your dog doesn’t usually mind having his paws touched, he may not let you get close when he’s in pain. Dogs only seem to understand, pain and no pain.
That’s where Paw Pad Sticker Picker comes in, since it can almost instantly relief the pup’s pain. When the Sticker Picker is gently and painlessly applied to an affected paw, the dog naturally twists and turns, trying to push it off his foot. Then after only about 30 to 60 seconds, you can remove the Sticker Picker, or hold it, while your dog steps off it. So simple that it doesn’t make sense to walk your dog without having Sticker Pickers handy—just in case
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